The Crossing

This fictional animated film features surreal and fairytale-like imagery in a style reminiscent of Vincent van Gogh and Marc Chagall, thanks to the distinctive technique of filming oil paintings on glass. After surviving the destruction of their village, 13-year-old Kyona and her younger brother Adriel flee, embarking on a suspenseful journey with their family to cross the border. When tragedy strikes and they become separated from their parents, they meet a diverse group of young refugees, also escaping war and drought, and forge new friendships. Unsure of who they can trust, the siblings navigate numerous challenges across hazardous terrains. Inspired by her mother (a painter) and her grandmother (who fled a pogrom in Odesa), director Florence Miailhe provides a visually stunning reflection on contemporary issues of human trafficking, military government corruption and the challenges faced by refugee children across the globe. Most of all, Miailhe portrays how the past continues to inform the present all over the world.

Preceded by The Record at the Albany Twin Theater

Sponsored by Ralph and Marsha Guggenheim and Jim and Bethany Hornthal

Proof of vaccination is required for all indoor screenings. Masks are mandatory. Read more.

SFJFF42 streaming titles are geoblocked to the San Francisco Bay Area. Read more.


Tuesday July 26, 2022
3:15 p.m.
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Monday August 1, 2022
12:01 a.m.
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w/English Subtitle
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Bay Area Premiere