Using beautiful hand-drawn animation to bring the past to life, “Among Neighbors” investigates the story of a small, rural town where the longstanding peace between Jewish and Polish neighbors was shattered by World War II.
Read MoreIn this sensitively crafted documentary, choreographer Hadar Ahuvia begins a personal endeavor unpacking and confronting the appropriative origins of the Israeli folk dances she grew up with.
Read MoreFree For All: The Public Library tells the story of the U.S. public library system—a simple idea that shaped a nation and the quiet revolutionaries who made it happen.
Read MoreDavid, a gay Jewish millennial, returns home to Buenos Aires for his uncle’s funeral, where he struggles to confront his familial obligations.
Read MoreJewish thought leaders and creative practitioners discuss the role of the arts in addressing the political polarization intensified by October 7th, and how art works to heal these divisions.
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