1968 Happy New Year

Warsaw, 1968: student rebellion, workers' strikes, great folk music, and a power struggle in the Communist Party. Agnieska Bergmann whose Jewish father, Jerzy, is the Cultural Commissar of Poland, falls head over heels for Piotr, the leader of the student uprising, who just organized the occupation of the university he attends. Her relationship and political stance are used by the authorities as a pretext to purge Jerzy from leadership during the anti-Zionist campaign of 1968. This wonderful, fast-paced drama is a sexy, coming-of-age story, and an insightful tale of political corruption replete with disinformation campaigns and denouncements, romance on the Gdansk beach, and moving farewells as Agnieska leaves Poland to ride off with Piotr to...Israel!
w/English Subtitle
Release Year
Festival Year(s)
Running Time