Forgiving Dr. Mengele

Human nature tells us that there are some acts that simply cannot be forgiven. But Eva Mozes Kor shows us otherwise. As ten-year-old girls, Eva and her twin sister Miriam suffered gruesome experiments at the hands of Auschwitz’s sadistic Nazi geneticist Dr. Josef Mengele. Being used as human guinea pigs scarred them for life, but they were among a small number of "Mengele twins" who managed to survive the death camp. Their family did not. Now a diminutive, outspoken resident of Terre Haute, Indiana, Eva has gone public with her extraordinary tale of survival, insisting that it is only by forgiving the Nazis for their crimes that she has managed to escape the horror of her past. As an act of self-healing, she has even forgiven Mengele himself--a stance that has outraged many of her fellow Mengele twins and alienated her from some of the community of Holocaust survivors and scholars. The film follows Eva on trips to Germany, where representatives of the German government ask for forgiveness from a group of Mengele twins, and to Israel, where she debates her position with another Mengele victim. Eva’s long journey from embittered survivor to controversial activist for reconciliation forms the heart of this compelling documentary. And her powerful message of amnesty tests the very notion of what it means to forgive. Panel discussion with Eva Mozes Kor in person in Mountain View
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