Hello Goodbye

In this entertaining romantic comedy, Alain (Gerard Depardieu) and Gisele (Fanny Ardant) are a comfortable, middle-aged Jewish French couple whose marriage needs a spark. Their son’s decision to marry a non-Jewish girl—in a church, no less—inspires them to do what other couples may only have thought about: pack up and move to the Land of Milk and Honey. Alain, a prominent gynecologist in Paris, is promised a job at a Tel Aviv hospital, but when that falls through he is forced to find a new way to make a living, while navigating a new language and missing his favorite French soccer team. Meanwhile Gisele, a converted and dedicated Jew, falls in love with Israel and its people almost immediately, developing a close friendship with a handsome rabbi (Lior Ashkenazi of Walk on Water). The cultural obstacles they face threaten to force the couple apart; as their upper-middle-class ambitions melt in the Mideast sun, will Tel Aviv and Israeli culture bring them closer together back into the reality they left behind? Hello Goodbye is a charming and at times hilarious story of spontaneous adventures during a midlife crisis.
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