
In this multilayered and unconventional coming-of-age story, three Israeli teenagers—Ido, Nitzan and Frisch—go on a high school trip to Poland before they join the army. Along with a few adult chaperones and Frisch’s grandfather, an elderly Holocaust survivor, the group visits memorial sites and concentration camps. But the trip’s agenda quickly starts to unravel. Frisch’s grandfather is unable to describe his traumatic experiences the way the group leaders want him to. The students are told to “keep a low profile” and hide their Jewish identities, which Frisch’s grandfather finds deeply troubling. Hormones rage among the students, who are eager to party, and feelings run high. Shy Frisch watches flirty Ido and quirky Nitzan become involved in a complex scheme that changes their relationships forever. This tragic-comedic film explores everyday adolescent dilemmas against the backdrop of catastrophe. Director Asaf Saban asks powerful questions about how we pass down historical narratives of the Holocaust to contemporary generations and how these narratives shape Jewish maturity into adulthood. The film captures how Gen Z Jews, particularly the grandchildren of survivors, come to terms with the past.

Preceded by The Anne Frank Gift Shop

United States Premiere


w/English Subtitle
Release Year
Festival Year(s)
Running Time

Next Wave Pass


The Next Wave Pass offers extraordinary flexibility to film lovers under 35 to experience SFJFF. Valid for Special Presentations and regular screenings at all venues and includes a year-long Jewish Film Institute membership. Learn more about Next Wave here.
