Mr. Predictable

Life starts with a bang for young Adi Levi. This endearing Israeli romantic comedy opens with the hero, age 5, igniting a rocket in his backyard—and promptly setting everything within reach on fire. His father comes to the rescue with a garden hose, and the house and boy survive without injury. But shortly after, his father dies in combat in Lebanon, leaving Adi alone with his mother. As a young man, he bottles up his feelings and channels his creative energies towards taking care of others. Fast forward to his adult years, and Adi is a timid pushover so taken for granted, even by his own wife and son, that he might as well be invisible. Indeed, his own doctor confuses him for someone else and incorrectly tells him he may have only weeks to live. But this shock provokes his first reckless act since that youthful experiment. Driving home, he collides with a dog walker, Natalya, and almost kills one of her pups. In the veterinarian’s office, the free-spirited woman turns out to be the only one interested in his diagnosis. But just when it seems all too obvious that this beautiful renegade will set him free, it turns out that Natalya is the more grounded one. Adi must now decide whether he’s ready to gfilm up. —Emily Kaiser Thelin

w/English Subtitle
Release Year
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