This is My Mother

Pierre, a 33-year-old florist, has his life on track. He has a successful business and a budding love interest. This pleasant routine is disrupted when his mother, Judith, surprises him by cropping up after years of no contact. Judith, who is in residential treatment for bipolar disorder, has escaped from her clinic, bringing along some baggage: a stormy combination of exhilaration, excess, and chaos. As Pierre tries to swiftly steer her back to the clinic so he can return to his distinctly different status quo, they take a meandering route. Along the way, they unearth a painful history, clash over life philosophies, and ultimately their surprise reunion brings them closer. Changed by the journey, Pierre finds the understanding and space to reintegrate his mother into his life. And his new lover supports it. Strong performances, a sharp script, and a deep understanding of mental illness and how it manifests within a familial context, This Is My Mother is an ode to the complexity, particularity, and beauty of the love between mother and child.

United States Premiere

Philipp Fussenegger gained recognition in 2016 with the First Steps Award for his short film Henry. His documentary debut, I am the Tigress (2021) explores the fascinating life of bodybuilder Tischa 'The Tigress' Thomas. Judy is a film and video editor since 2014, her first feature The Misandrists premiered at Berlinale in 2017. Teaches of Peaches is the first film she also co-directed.


Friday August 2, 2024
6:00 p.m.
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w/English Subtitle
Release Year
Festival Year(s)
Running Time
105 minutes