Angry Harvest

Takes place in German-occupied Poland during World War II. Leon, a shrewd Catholic farmer with mixed motives, hides Rosa, an intellectual Jewish refugee. They move through various dimensions of power and powerlessness in an intense, all-too-real relationship that is magnified by the sordid conditions of war. Rosa relies on her host's good will for her very survival, but her hold over him is just as potent, if more intangible. Directed by Agnieszka Holland (a former assistant to Andrzej Wajda, who later went on to direct EUROPA, EUROPA), ANGRY HARVEST is a remarkable study of desire, frustration, and the kinds of power men and women hold over each other. Brilliant performances by Fassbinder veterans Armin Mueller-Stahl and Elizabeth Trissenaar.
w/English Subtitle
Release Year
Festival Year(s)
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