Kenny Hotz's Triumph of the Will

The irreverent and hilarious Kenny Hotz (former South Park writer and creator and star of the hit television series Kenny vs. Spenny and cult hit Testees) has a bold new creation: Kenny Hotz's Triumph of the Will. Yes, make no mistake, that is the correct title. Winner of the Best Comedy Series in Canada, Triumph of the Will is a hysterically audacious showcase where Hotz aspires to be a better person and quite possibly make the world a little better too. Always provocative and unpredictable, a tad crude, but never without heart, Hotz stops at nothing to succeed in a series of Herculean tasks. In one episode, Hotz tries to land his 75-year-old widowed mother a boyfriend and for safe measure, introduces her to the world of vibrators. In another he throws out an olive branch by organizing Jews to help build a mosque for Muslims. In yet another installment, after vowing never to return to Paris, Hotz attempts to finally reconcile with the French. Can he succeed? Will he ever really become a mensch?
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